Tuesday, 17 August 2010

flicking through.

there is nothing better than to grab a cup of tea and a magazine and spend time flicking through, i tend to keep up to date with Elle decoration and living etc however i like to browse other magazines that take my fancy. i thought i would start to pick things out that grab me and post them onto here, giving you all an extra insight into what i like and my influences.

a good place to start
Living ect & Elle Decoraion

i thought these colours were sophisticated yet fun, the plain coloured floor works well with the heavily patterned wall, although some might think the zebra print chair is one pattern too many i think it is perfectly complimented by the surrounding blocks of colour. i like the small colour chart, this is something i like to do, it can be useful as a reference to refer back to. a good starting point.

i found a magazine in waitrose called Editions, it was quite general although had some good pages on fashion and the latest gadgets. i did however come across this rather neat little shed that they had styled as a design studio. i love it! they give you some other ideas on how to use it, a music room etc but nothing as exciting as this. being priced slightly over £11,000 i don't think i will be rushing out to get one, although it has inspired me to create something on a slightly smaller scale. maybe that would be a good project for next summer!!

pink wellies. the perfect touch.

the music version. with a front on view underneath. incredibly tempting.

the textures and tranquility make this space something most people would love to work in, the windows have been left undressed, allowing as much natural light as possible, this really opens up the space.

i love the jars of threads in the background, a tip im taking with me to uni.

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